Earlier this year my younger brother Sergio Richardson aka Ser Rich captured this amazing photo at the 1st #DearFather #BookConcert in #Chicago. For me it was more than a DOPE DOPE shot of me and our Dad, it represented how far one can come when the heart and soul surrender to #ThePowerOfForgiveness. I can't tell you how AMAZING the #DearFather journey has been this far. This book has taken me far and wide and I've been able to have some very transformative experiences. Tomorrow, in celebration of the #FathersDay season, we will be having the 1st #DearDadDialogue in Chicago at @TheChiBureau. I would love to see you there as we continue this beautiful walk of healing and forgiveness. Tag your people, spread the word, see you there, and to the Fathers, Grandfathers, GreatGrandfathers, Brothers, Uncles, and Mentors #HappyFathersDay!!!#BreakingTheCycleOfPain #DearFatherLetters#OneMillionLettersWritten #OneMillionHeartsHealed