Photo by: David Guttenfelder
Poem by: J. Ivy
How do you shine in a city so big?
Needle in a haystack wanting to be a twig,
A branch,
So you branch out,
Stomp hard with your dreams,
Rooted by the passion that burns within,
Not knowing how your path will bend or end…
You begin,
With high hopes and burning desires,
You float thru your concrete jungle,
In search for inspiration that will fuel your fire,
Feed your purpose,
Reveal your reason for being,
Clearly seeing,
You become a beacon of light in the darkest days,
A sign that leads us thru life’s shade,
You maneuver thru the maze,
At times you may flicker,
But you never stop breathing life into your flame,
You trail blaze with the motor of your blaze,
Your wants,
Your needs,
Your ways,
You protect them with an unbreakable force,
On course with your lantern,
Your heart,
Leading the way,
Amongst tall buildings and a billion stories,
It’s your wishes,
Your will,
It’s you that you find,
As the choir in your core sings,
“This little light of mine…”
#PhotoPoem #LinesOnMyMind #DigginInThePapes #NationalPoetryMonth